Bio identical hormones are hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. Bio identical hormones can be custom-made, based on each individual's needs and hormone levels, in a compounding pharmacy.
Some examples of bio identical hormones include:
The key advantage of bio identical hormone replacement therapy is that the hormones used are botanically-derived and have an identical chemical structure to the hormones made by the human body. This allows the body to recognize and fully utilize them.
There are several key reasons to use bio identical hormones:
Bio identical hormones can help restore optimal hormonal levels thereby leading to significant health improvements. When hormones decline with age, using replacements help maintain health, quality of life and slow aging.
Getting your hormone levels tested is crucial before starting any hormone therapy. This allows creating a customized treatment plan meeting your individual needs.
We recommend testing the following hormones using blood, saliva or urine tests:
Based on the test results, bio identical hormones can be prescribed in the optimal doses and combinations. We offer regular follow up testing to monitor and adjust the treatment based on barometer results. This ensures achieving long-term hormonal balance safely.
Getting tested helps determine which hormones are high or low for you. This personalizes your bioidentical hormone replacements to be optimally effective.
We use advanced hormone tests and regularly monitor levels to customize treatment to your needs.
Bioidentical hormone therapy provides multiple benefits when hormones are balanced properly with medical guidance. Key benefits include:
Balancing hormones with bioidenticals provides overall vitality and aids proper physical and mental functioning.
There are multiple types, preparations and delivery methods available for bioidentical hormone therapy including:
We offer various bioidentical hormone options - creams, pills, patches, gels, implants etc. The optimal delivery system depends on your body's absorption rate, convenience, cost and comfort level. Our experts help determine what works best for your needs.
Starting bioidentical hormone therapy involves several steps:
1. Initial consultation - We conduct a comprehensive health analysis and evaluate your signs and symptoms thoroughly. Any prior hormone tests are reviewed. Replacement needs are determined.
2. Diagnostic testing – Blood, saliva & urine tests help identify any hormonal imbalances and deficiencies. These inform precise treatment.
3. Creating a personalized treatment plan – Based on the test results and your health goals, customized bioidentical hormones are prescribed - optimal combinations, doses and delivery methods.
4. Follow up testing & monitoring – We regularly retest hormone levels to ensure balance is maintained safely long-term. The treatment plan is adjusted based on changing needs.
5. Ongoing Patient Education – We educate you about how to optimize results through healthy nutrition, supplements, fitness and lifestyle changes tailored to your needs.
Follow up consultations are scheduled to monitor progress, provide support and make adjustments ensuring continual benefits.
There are many reasons to choose Optimal Hormone Health Clinic for your bioidentical hormone therapy:
Our well qualified practitioners optimize both art and science using the latest advancements coupled with proven protocols. We are dedicated to restoring hormone balance safely for complete vitality.
While bioidentical hormones have an excellent safety profile with minimal side effects compared to synthetic hormones, there can be occasional issues. Here is how we deal with them:
Bloating or weight gain – We adjust the treatment plan by changing delivery methods or lowering estrogen doses. Lifestyle changes like improved nutrition and more exercise are suggested.
Blood clots – If estrogen levels get too high, anti-coagulants may be prescribed as a preventative measure. Lower estrogen doses are used.
Facial hair growth – For increased facial or body hair with testosterone therapy, doses are lowered and enzyme blockers like glucuronidases are sometimes prescribed.
Mood swings – We closely track mental health on therapy. Counseling may be suggested. Hormone ratios and doses are optimized to ensure emotional balance.
Acne or oily skin – Spironolactone can block testosterone's skin effects. Estrogen levels may be raised while lowering testosterone depending on cause.
Doses and combinations are meticulously adjusted based on regular monitoring until optimal balance and symptom relief are achieved.
Here are some tips about maintaining hormone health for the long run:
Incorporating positive lifestyle habits optimize your long term hormone health and reduce dependence on medication alone.
We provide ongoing guidance to help balance your hormones naturally with diet, stress reduction techniques, targeted supplementation etc.
This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of how bioidentical hormone therapy at Optimal Hormone Health Clinic can help restore hormonal levels safely and effectively. Hormone decline contributes to many unwanted symptoms that reduce quality of life significantly.
Getting tested properly and starting on customized bioidenticals provides the building blocks for vitality. It enables optimal physical, mental and sexual function. Continued monitoring and dosage adjustments provide sustainable benefits long term without complications.
If you're dealing with low energy, weight gain, hot flashes, low libido or other hormonal issues, we encourage exploring treatment. Bioidentical hormones can offer transformative restoration helping you look and feel your best again!
To learn more or schedule a consultation, please visit the Optimal Hormone Health Clinic website or contact their clinic. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal hormone balance and vitality.